1-on-1 User Training Sessions

TrendSpider Software Trainings

  • TrendSpider understands that the platform is a sophisticated application that may take time to get used to and understand.
  • Training is provided to help jump-start your TrendSpider experience by showing you how the application works, helping you to customize it to match your trading and analysis style, and help you find the features and tools that you may want to use.
  • We will provide instruction on anything application-specific.
  • Please note that training is NOT intended to provide any actual trading advice. We do not train users on how to trade, we train users on how to use our product. A certain level of technical analysis and trading knowledge is required in order for training to be useful and effective.

How It Works

  • Training sessions are scheduled in-app by following the below instructions.
  • Training sessions are for up to 30 minutes in one session.
  • You must access the session via the provided Google Hangouts link using the Google Chrome web browser.
  • Depending on the plan you are on, you get more trainings.
    • Standard: 1 session per year
    • Premium: 2 sessions per year
    • Enhanced: 3 sessions per year
    • Advanced: Up to 52 sessions per year
      • For Advanced plan users: We kindly ask that you schedule no more than two sessions per week when possible. However, we completely understand if you need more frequent sessions—especially if you're new and still getting familiar with the platform! If you require extra help right away, please don’t hesitate to reach out to our support team. We’re happy to accommodate you.


  • TrendSpider will not be able to provide any opinions on any specific charts or stocks you are looking at.
  • TrendSpider will not be able to provide advice on selecting or using a trading strategy.
  • TrendSpider cannot opine on the effectiveness of various trading strategies.
  • Training is provided for educational reasons.
  • If you run out of training sessions under your plan, you may purchase additional training for $49 per hour.
Mar 4, 2025

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