Scanning Using News Events

TrendSpider's Market Scanner supports a wide range of inputs in order to enable users to construct custom scanners that incorporate all aspects of their strategies. In this article, we take a deep dive into scanning using News Event data.

Define Scope

Scanning on News means finding symbols where there was previously a news article, within a defined period of time, which contains a specific keyword or combination of keywords, of your choice.

How to use it

Step 1: Launch the Market Scanner by clicking on the Market Scanner button on the bottom left toolbar.

Market Scanner option

Step 2: Create a new Market Scanner.  For more information, please refer to Market Scanner documentation.

Click New Scanner

Step 3: Click on Add Parameter here.

Click add a parameter

Step 4: Select Condition from the drop-down.

Select Condition

Step 5: Select News Content from the list.

Select News Content

Step 6: Select an operator from the list. Options are:

  • Include an article with all keywords
  • Include an article with any of keywords
  • Include at least one article.

Select Operator

If you select one of the first two choices (include an article with keywords), then you will be asked to enter the keywords you wish to search for. Please see the next part of this article on Keyword Searches and Negative Keywords.

Step 7: Click on the SCAN button to run the search and make sure it returns names with correct results.

Click on Scan

Note: Add other conditions as needed to complete your Market Scanner, such as technical conditions

Step 8: Click on the Save button to save your results.

Click Save

How Keyword Searches Work

Our keyword-based search is rather straightforward (it's not as smart as Google by any means) by design. Nevertheless, it's very powerful as soon as you understand simple tools it gives you and how to combine them.

  • To search for a keyword, regardless of its placement in the text, just type it. For example, if you wish to find stocks where there has been a recent FDA related news event, just enter FDA in your search conditions. In example, if you seek for bear then you'll get tickers which have "bear" or "bearish" or "bearer" or "gummy-bear" or "bearing" or any other variation where a group of characters "bear" literally exists in their news articles.
  • To search for a specific word or phrase, encapsulate it in quotation marks. For example, if you wish to search for companies with a short report, you might enter the following: "Short Report" in quotation marks, to indicate you wish to find that specific phrase. I.e., if you search for "bear" then you will get all tickers where there's a news article containing "bear" as a separate word (still case-insensitive), but not "bearish" or "bearing" e.t.c.
  • To search for multiple keywords, separate them with commas. For example, to search have a more robust search for FDA related news, you could type: FDA, Federal Drug Administration (separating the two terms with a comma) which would find articles that contain the letters "FDA" in any sentence or contain the full name of the agency, the "Federal Drug Administration".

How Negative Keywords Work

  • If you wish to EXCLUDE articles that contain a specific phrase, you may use a minus symbol (-) before the phrase in the criteria. For example, if you enter -FDA it will provide stocks which have at least 1 news article that does NOT contain the letters "FDA" (or "fda" or "fDa" e.t.c.).
  • You can combine quotation marks with the negative operator. For example, if you entered: -"Federal Drug Administration", it would return articles that do NOT contain the full name of the FDA.

Search Scope and Other Considerations

  1. Search scope: only title and body (not in Author, not in Date) are included in the search query.
  2. News history dates back only 30 days and as a result you are unable to search for news further in the past than 30 days from the time the Market Scanner is executed.
  3. Search is NOT case sensitivity: searching for Word and wORd would give you the same result
  4. The order of keywords does not matter.
  5. Keywords muse be separated by a comma ,
  6. Spaces in the beginning or in the end of a word will be ignored; searching for soap,tree is the same as searching for soap , tree
  7. "News since X days ago" means "news since 00:00 as of America/New_York time zone". So for "since 1 days ago" it will be "from the beginning on yesterday by NY until right now". You can understand that by matching with our News widget which displays "X days ago" using the same principle.
  8. Enter 0 as a "Period days" if you want "News for today"

Search Examples:

  • News(7 days) Include article which has all of: "FDA", -deny, -denied will find you all the tickers which had a news article containing FDA (not case sensitive) as a separate word while NOT containing words like "deny" or "denied"; the article in name being not older than 7 days ago from now.
  • News of 7 days
  • News(3 days) Include article which has any of: "FDA", "SEC" will find you all the tickers which had a news article containing "FDA" or "SEC" (as separate words) being not older than 3 days ago from now.

News of 3 days

  • News for today Include article which has any of: "FDA" will find you all the tickers which had a news article containing FDA which were published today.
Feb 6, 2025

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