Automated Watch Lists for r/wallstreetbets Social Mentions and Sentiment

These watch lists are built off an algorithm which analyses posts on the popular subreddit known as r/wallstreetbets. Each watch list will contain up to 50 symbols by the frequency and sentiment of their mentions (see below) during a given period of time.

Content of r/wallstreetbets Smart Watch Lists

Here's how we build them.

  1. Take all the stock/ETF tickers mentioned on WSB for a given period of time
  2. Calculate the "prevailing sentiment" for every ticker on a given period of time, as a "median of sentiment across all the days of this time frame"
  3. Distribute symbols to different lists, basing on sentiment (see below) and time frame (1d, 7d, 14d e.t.c.)
  4. Sort each list by "number of mentions", most popular symbols first
  5. For each list, trim away symbols which had too few mentions (5 for "1 day" lists and 15 for all the other lists)
  6. Take top-50 for each list

Note: "for 1 day" means "since beginning of the day today as of NY time zone"


Sentiment is formalized using VADER score. We categorize symbols into 3 buckets:

  1. Mentioned in any context (ignores sentiment completely)
  2. Mentioned in primarily negative context (median of sentiment is less than 0)
  3. Mentioned in primarily positive context (median of sentiment is greater than 0)

We might change the method of analyzing sentiment without a prior notice (but we'll update this page if we do).

How you can use them

Smart Watch Lists can be used in a few different ways in TrendSpider:

  1. View or browse the watch list like any other
  2. Use the watch list as a universe for a Market Scanner
Feb 8, 2025

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