Stock Market Maps

Stock Market Map's are a visual discovery tool. It helps traders in identifying outliers within specific universes of symbols. Maps draw your attention to specific symbols, guiding you toward insights.  There are two types of Maps which can be created.  Tile Maps and Bubble Maps.  After creating your Map, you can easily right click on any of the symbols to either add a color flag or add that name to a specific watchlist.

Tile Maps

Historically these types of maps represent market cap and daily percent change.  TrendSpider's Tile Maps elevate this experience by offering the flexibility to select from 15 performance metrics and 42 fundamental metrics.

Symbols can catch one's eye in two ways:

  1. Tile Size: Larger tiles are easier to see and can draw your attention. Market Cap is a default option, but you can use one of the 50 metrics supported.
  2. Color Coding: Bright red or green highlight outliers. Blue highlight the "normal".

Historically, tile maps like that used Market Cap for a tile size and Daily Change% for a tile color. On TrendSpider, you can pick one of 42 fundamental metrics, plus 15 performance metrics (like 30 days price change) for both tile size and tile color.


(This Tile Map showcases a quick method for visualizing the P/E ratio in the Energy sector.  I can now see what the average P/E ratio is (in blue) as well as which names have a better P/E ratio vs which ones have a worse P/E ratio.)

Setting up a Tile Map

Every stock tile map uses three parameters:

  1. List of symbols. Defines which symbols you want to see on the map. Pick one of 700 pre-made lists (index lists like S&P 500, economy sector lists, economy industry lists and such). You can also use your custom watch list or a scanner as a source of symbols for a Stock Market map.
  2. Tile size metric.
  3. Tile color metric.

For both tile size and tile color, "bigger" or "brighter" means "better" and not necessarily "mathematically greater". For example, if your Tile Size is defined by Revenue, then the biggest tiles will belong to symbols with Revenue being mathematically much greater than the others in a given universe. That's because for Revenue, the meaning is "the more, the better". However, if you pick P/E ratio for your tile color, then smaller positive values will be green, and bigger positive values will be red (see below), because "the bigger the better" does not apply to P/E ratio.

Meaning of colors

Tiles can be colored red, green, blue, and gray, depending on what metric you're using. Exceptionally high or low changes will be bright green or red. Below are the color descriptions::

  1. Blue. For all the fundamental metrics, symbols that have their value of this metric being typical for a given universe of symbols, are blue. "Typical" means "falling between the 45th and 55th percentiles". Think of it as "somewhere around the median value". Performance metrics (like Change%) never generate blue tiles.
  2. Green: for performance metrics, everything greater than zero will be green. For fundamental metrics, everything better the median (see p.1 Blue) will be green. The meaning of what's "better" depends on the metric you use. For example, for revenue, it's "the more the better." For P/E Ratio, it's "the less the better, as long as it's positive."
  3. Red: the opposite of green
  4. Gray: in some cases, when we can't tell whether the value is good or bad, the color is gray. For example, negative P/E ratios are gray.

Stock tile maps can use any of the universes we support (i.e., Nasdaq NMS Composite, S&P 500, etc.). In case the universe is longer than 300 items, the map will only display 300 "best" tiles (according to which metric you select for the Tile Size). However, when computing the median for the purpose of coloring, the entire universe is used.

Bubble Maps

With Bubble Maps, we take the metrics used to create Market Maps and vastly expand upon functionality and visualization. Key data points are plotted across a grid, allowing you to easily identify areas of interest and make quick visual comparisons across up to 5 unique watchlists.


(This map shows Mega Cap stocks performance over the last 30 days vs the last year.  Year change being vertical axis and 30 day change% being horizontal axis.  Upon a quick analysis of this chart, I can see that the only mega caps which are negative on year and over last 30 days are XOM and CVX.  Another interesting insight is that 2 out of 3 names which have performed well over last 30 days but poorly on the year, are car companies... TSLA and TM.  Check out ourblogto learn more.

Setting up a Bubble Map

Every bubble map uses three parameters:

  1. Watchlist: select from one of our prebuilt lists (index, sector, industry, smart lists) or your own custom list.
  2. Horizontal axis: select from any of the available performance or fundamental metrics
  3. Vertical axis: select from any of the available performance or fundamental metrics
  4. Bubble size: constant or any of the available performance or fundamental metrics

Searching up a Bubble Map

At the top of each Bubble Map, you’ll see a search bar. Here you can type in any names of interest utilizing either a ticker symbol or a company name and your selections will be highlighted on the map.

Zoom in on a Bubble Map

You can click and drag anywhere on a Bubble Map to zoom into a specific area, providing you with a clearer view of the placement of a specific asset relative to its peers. When zoomed in, a ‘Reset Zoom’ button will appear in the upper right corner of your map.

Limitations of Beta version

There are some known incorrect data points. Also, some symbols can not be used in Stock Maps (including some bigger names like MCD and AMD). We expect to get rid of these limitations soon.

List of supported metrics

A comprehensive list of metrics that be used to customize the tile size and tile color.

Change%, since close
Change$, since close
Change% vs 52wk Low (US equity, Fx)
Change% vs 52wk High (US equity, Fx)
Week to Date Change
Week to Date Change%
7 Calendar Days Change
7 Calendar Days Change%
Month to Date Change
Month to Date Change%
30 Calendar Days Change
30 Calendar Days Change%
Year to Date Change
Year to Date Change%
Year Change
Year Change%
Altman Z Score
Book to Market Value
Cash Return On Invested Capital
Cost of Revenue
Current Ratio
Debt Ratio
Dividend Payout Ratio
Dividends Per Share
Earnings Per Share, Basic
Earnings Per Share, Diluted
Enterprise Value
Equity Per Share
Free Cash Flow
Free Cash Flow Per Share
Free Cash Flow to Net Income
Gross Profit
Gross Profit Margin
Liabilities to Equity Ratio
Net Debt / EBIT
Net Debt / EBITDA
Net Profit Margin
Operating Income/EV
Operating Margin
Piotroski F-Score
Price to Book Value
Price to Earnings Ratio (quarterly)
Price to Earnings Ratio (ttm)
Price to Sales Ratio (quarterly)
Price to Sales Ratio (ttm)
Return on Assets
Return on Equity
Return on Invested Capital
Sales Per Share
Total Debt

Sep 10, 2024

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